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PLAY17 Retrospection

All Pictures of PLAY17 on Flickr

Videos of PLAY17 on YouTube

The Time is Now!

From November 1st to 5th 2017 the PLAY17 - Creative Gaming Festival invited all game enthusiasts to Hamburg to join the festivities of its 10th anniversary and celebrate the culture of digital games.

Program Booklet (German)

Download the Timetable

FAQ (German)

Festival Opening and Vernissage

Artist Talk with Anita Sarkeesian

DOOMIAN Confessional Box

Exhibitions at Every Venue

Escape the Room

Workshop: Games in the Future

Workshop: Interactive Storytelling

PLAY Birthday Gala

Award Show

Incredible Playable Show

PLAY for School Classes

Workshop: Coding with Scratch

Workshop: Newsgames

Workshop: Gaming and Family

PLAY Poetry Slam

Creative Gaming Award Nominees

Daily Life with Digital Media

Further Education: Games in Schools

Workshop: Character Design

Workshop: Time Control Switch

Excursions to Game Studios



Newsletter (German)

PLAY17 Trailer

PLAY is Unique!

PLAY is the first an only festival worldwide to unite media art, discourse and education with the culture of digital games. It focuses on the creative utilization of digital games: invent, build, tinker, modify, program, dance, discuss - anything goes!

PLAY is the festival for game enthusiasts and gamers, indie game developers and media artists, pupils and students, teachers and educators, scientists, people involved in the games industry and everyone, who wishes to play and learn with digital games.

PLAY16 Retrospection

Pictures at Flickr

Games in the townhall


The Creative Gaming Festival is 10 years old! Here are the retrospections on the last four festivals:

PLAY13 || PLAY14 || PLAY15 || PLAY16