Sunday May 14th, 2017
Karin Liau

Karin Liau studied at the University of Music and Theater in Hamburg and finished her artistic degree with french horn as her main subject. She is on stage in and around Hamburg with the undoubtedly most beautiful instrument of all times. At the moment, she studies cultural and media management and still tries to find out, whether she wants to work in the gaming or music industry – she hopes to connect both some time. Meanwhile she was concerned with the creative use of digital games as a media pedagog and member of the Initiative Creative Gaming e. V.. She is always looking forward to being suprised by the ingenious gaming ideas of adolescents.
A game that is unrivalled in gameplay, storytelling, music, sound design and visuals is “Super Metroid”, which she can spend many hours playing with. Recently she discovered her hidden passion for “Excel”.
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